Crowdfunding – #saveourvenues

PETHERTON ARTS TRUST (PAT), which owns and runs The David Hall, is not supported by Arts Council England or any other funding body and therefore relies solely on ticket revenue and fundraising to survive. Due to the pandemic we are facing an uncertain future and seek support from our loyal audience members, followers and artists.

The financial status of The David Hall has become a huge concern as even at the best of times, we have very few funds to drawn on. PAT has, therefore, been forced to put on hold the maintenance work The David Hall requires, as well as plans to increase, and modify, its facilities. Hopefully, we shall be able to afford the maintenance work before winter sets in.

We have teamed up with the Music Venue’s Alliance in a national fundraising campaign to #saveourvenue.

We encourage that artists and audience members help raises funds for The David Hall.
Please nominate the The David Hall at the Save Our Venues website:

And if you could please tell all your firends about our crowdfunding page

Thank you