200 Club for 2022-23

The 200 Club has now been running for 20 years and has raised £30,000 to maintain and improve the David Hall. To continue this essential work we need all the help we can get and hope that you will support us in this way. We have been especially grateful this past year to those many prizewinners who have donated all or part of their prizes back to the Hall.

Of the £26 subscription, over the year half of the proceeds comes back to members as prizes and the other half goes to the Petherton Arts Trust, the owners of the David Hall.  ALL proceeds go to the charity, with no administration charges except some postage. The monthly draw has usually been made at one of the film shows or gigs, but sometimes we get the randon numbers by using the website numbergenerator.org. However itis done, prizewinners will receive payment shortly afterwards. The winning numbers and names will be posted monthly on the notice board in the Hall entrance and on the website, www.thedavidhall.org.uk.

There are several easy ways (with no admin charge) to secure one of the lucky numbers:

1.The easiest method for you and the admin team is to go here:

2. Another popular method is to pay online by BACS. Sort Code: 60-19-37. Account number: 68411464. Reference: 200+ your surname.

3. Standing Order: if you bank online you may be able to set this up yourself, using the details above, or contact us for details.

Whichever payment method suits you best, please act promptly. If you do not ask for a particular number or if your number has already been allocated, your number will be in order of application. If you want more than one number, please adjust the payment  amount. All applications will be acknowledged.           

(Please also support us by using www.easyfundraising.org.uk).

Hartley Heard, Administrator 200 Club


For each month April-July, September-November, January-February: total £900:

1st-£30 2nd-£25 3rd-£20 4th-£15 5th-£10          

For the August ‘Summer Special’, December Christmas Special and March 

End of Year Bonus’ draws: total £1,700:

1st-£150 2nd-£100 3rd– £50 4th– 10 of £25 each (12 @ £25 in March)   

NB If more or fewer than 200 members join, the size or number of prizes will be scaled up or down in proportion but half of the proceeds will always return in prizes.

Your email address and telephone number will be used only for the purposes of the David Hall.