12 Days of Giving
The David Hall Arts Centre is listed with Ecclesiastic Insurance as part of their innovative “Christmas – 12 Days of Giving” scheme. Your nomination could help us towards being one of the Charities that wins one of their daily £1000 awards.
With uncertainty about when we can open fully again, we are using the time to improve our wonderful centre so that soon, we hope, we will once again be able to welcome our supporters and community users to an even better environment. This award will help us to complete these improvements.
The more nominations from people like yourself, the stronger our chances of winning.
It’s easy to nominate us, just click on: – movementforgood.com/12days, click ‘nominate now’ and enter our details if they are not shown (Charity number 900637 – Petherton Arts Trust).
Nominations are open now, closing at midnight the day before each draw. Charities not drawn will be carried over to the next draw, and draws will take place each weekday from 7 December to 22 December 2020.
Thanks for supporting The David Hall.